Unit 31
Official | Mr. Green? |
Green | Yes. |
Official | Please sit down. Haven't we met before? |
Green | Yes. I think our children go to the same school. |
Official | Ah, yes, of course. That's right. Cunningham Comprehensive. Now, what can I do for you? |
Green | Well, I have one or two questions about my job. |
Official | Now, you're an engineer. Mr. Green? |
Green | Yes, that's right. I've been an electrical engineer for four years. |
Official | But where are you working now? |
Green | Well, I'm working for Robinson's at the moment. |
Official | You used to work for Johnson Brothers. |
Green | Yes, that's right. |
Official | Now, tell me, do you speak French or German? |
Green | Well, I'm learning French. |
Official | Ah, good, because there's a very good job here which requires a minimum knowledge of French. |