Unit 31


OfficialMr. Green?
OfficialPlease sit down. Haven't we met before?
GreenYes. I think our children go to the same school.
OfficialAh, yes, of course. That's right. Cunningham Comprehensive. Now, what can I do for you?
Green Well, I have one or two questions about my job.


OfficialNow, you're an engineer. Mr. Green?
GreenYes, that's right. I've been an electrical engineer for four years.
OfficialBut where are you working now?
GreenWell, I'm working for Robinson's at the moment.
OfficialYou used to work for Johnson Brothers.
GreenYes, that's right.
OfficialNow, tell me, do you speak French or German?
GreenWell, I'm learning French.
OfficialAh, good, because there's a very good job here which requires a minimum knowledge of French.